I enjoy highlighting DS festivals throughout the world and right after the buzz at Albion fest comes Echoes from the Dungeon Fest in Amsterdam happening at the same time this article is out. So right now. Now now. Echoes From the Dungeon fest has a staggering lineup including the surprise announcement that the headliner Depressive Silence will play their final show — concluding a trilogy of special appearances in 2025. Echoes from the Dungeon Fest: A Festival Lineup Compilation not only features songs from the fest but also unreleased and rare material from each of the artists. This fest and lineup is impressive and even if you can’t get to the show take this as a souvenir.
“A collection of cinematic healers, straight from Urth. This is the direct sequel to Atrium of Time’s self titled album, based on the works of Gene Wolfe.” Atrium of Time comes from the same person behind DIM (who also had a great release this year with Dark Age Decadence). Urth… continues a journey started in 2022 with medieval ambient which feels personal for the author as they craft sometimes short sometimes glacial tracks which are filled with numerous turns. The result is an enigmatic work, much like its literary inspiration, which feels like it holds back more than it presents. Songs like “Chains, Forged to Bind” flees into an impossible space where time stands still and continues to build the legacy of its creator.
Untap, upkeep, draw. Sylvan Scrying is a card from Magic The Gathering which allows the player to search their library for a land card and put it into their hand. Exploration is another card from the same game, which allows the player to play additional lands on their turn. The themes of Exploration by Sylvan Scrying are already on point so really this should already should be in your collection. Sylvan Scrying is a split / collaboration between Moss Knight and Tarnished Legends who have got together to make a record which is comforting yet bittersweet with memories. “Godless Shrine”, a dual land which produces white or black mana and comes into play untapped, feels melancholic and warm which might be outside of the flavor of the card but some how on point for the record. Exploration is a fantastic tribute to a game and sounds like stacks of cardboard which are encroaching on viable surfaces around your house.
Skeleton Mage is from Sweden and seemingly has come out of nowhere with not one record but two as a debut. Of Mossy Ruins and Forest Paths is an album full of neo medieval melodies which feel regal and stricken with sadness at the same time. Ruinscapes I, another album released shortly after, is said to be a companion record which focuses more on atmosphere and texture. These two records present a world, much like the 19th century artworks used for the cover, which is stately and still as if frozen in time. Though the name Skeleton Mage evokes images of a cloaked figure shooting lighting bolts from its fingers while cackling manically, Of Mossy Ruins and Forest Path is a mature and deftly crafted record for fans of a world not like our own.
“Equipment: Game boy color x2, nanoloop mono, game boy camera, cassette player, small modular synthesizer, and mixer.” Fuck yeah let’s go. Leaking Crypt is a part of a contingent of Asian based synth acts that I have been keeping an eye on since their early demos as well as a 2023 split with Silent Garden. Live In Tokyo is a soundboard recording from the performance on December 7th, 2024 at ForestLimit in support of Quest Master’s tour. While chiptune / DS might not be everyone’s idea of atmospheric DS, this small release signals a potential regional scene for a place I’m sure will have something interesting to say. For now, this short 17 minute set is a glimpse into the future which oddly sounds like the menu screen of a cRPG if that cRPG was also into psychedelic noise.
Fantasy Audio Magazine is a tapezine label based in Kentucky which specializes in DS adjacent visionary synth. They were the publication which released my first tapezine on new age / DS last year. Because I keep up with them I am privy to see all of the material being released and Mythic Synthesizer Music Vol. 1, a boxset of three 2022 releases, is perhaps one of the strangest and unique offerings I have seen just this month. Mons is the work of the labels creator Descender which seems like a quiet scratch pad for esoteric DIY electronic music. At times Mons channels Paul Horn and at others vaporwave all while tuned into a frequency that is beyond time and space. I will always be grateful top FAM for working with me with my own material as I seem to have found a group of people who are way far out beyond time and space.
I was told by this creator to keep their Linktr.ee bookmarked so I wouldn’t forget when a new record came out. I didn’t do that and was like “damn another good DS record from France they all should get together and tour. Howling Fjord is the work of Sylfvr who also is the lead custodian for Chalice of Wyrms, Vernal Ecosphere, Grotte de Cristal, Ancient Pyres, Ornitier as well as some stunning visual art. Howling Fjord is a Warcraft themed project with a project name based around one of two dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King. This devotion to a popular video game perhaps resonates with many people not in a “currently playing” way but more as “ah yes the memories.” Even outside its nostalgic content, Howling Fjord, much like other of the artists projects, is full of unexpected turns which makes this experience truly adventurous and cinematic.
Draaiih is from France and Brumal Orchard Records seems to be an artist / label or at least one that is heavily curating its content. If one actually looks closer, like I just did, they will see it is the same person behind Wydraddear, a fantastic artist with already a catalog of releases and projects. The Hawklord is the first and thus far only release from the label / artist. with a 25 tape run this label makes a strong statement on making lofi DS which is meticulously crafted and presented. Bittersweet, dreamy, and forever somber it is hard not to feel emotion when listening to The Hawklord as it evokes the spirit of classic DS just now with a contemporary mindset. A note for all of those running to Echoes of the Dungeon Fest now, Brumal Orchard Records will be there and with a new Wydraddear album in tape form. Pick me up a copy thanks.
“Lakanys is mysterious atmospheric music, telling stories where you travel through the ancient cool forests, forgotten dark tombs, gloomy valleys, and in ancient times to find yourself in the infinite magical beauty.” I enjoy artist blurbs on Bandcamp since this short description tells me exactly what I am hearing. Lakanys is classic DS but not in a dark dungeon aspect rather atmospheric adventure music which is pitch black like a tomb as well as vibrant and magical like an enchanted forest. This is high fantasy approach for daydreaming about fantasy worlds or maybe even drawing maps of those fantasy worlds when you are suppose to be doing something else. The success lies in the versatility of this record to be something for anybody.
Grimdor is a special project which I knew about through Chimney Rocks Records and their love of hot pepper sauce. Grey Havens continues to duo’s other love which is making short form DIY tapes / CDs based on the world of Tolkien. When I say short, I mean under 10 minutes and when I say DIY I mean they will come to you handcrafted maybe with hot sauce in the box. The result might be not the Atmospheric RPG music for your D&D sessions you are looking for rather a brief encounter with lofi elves located on the Gulf of Lune in the realm of Lindon. I am forever tuned into the releases from Grimdor as their continual work in this very unique space always makes for a surreal experience.